ॐ नमः शिवाय


- Astrological Diamond Jewellery is the planetary stone for Venus (Shukra). Diamond is a highly powerful gemstone as per Vedic astrology.
- Diamond is mainly worn for Fame, Wealth and Marital Happiness.
- Not all Diamonds are fit for Astrological Use. Diamonds that are suitable for astrological-use are called Astrological Diamonds.
Astrological Diamonds
- Astrological Diamond is the planetary stone for Venus (Shukra). Diamond is a highly powerful gemstone as per Vedic astrology.
- Diamond is mainly worn for Fame, Wealth and Marital Happiness.
- Diamond brings charm and mysticism to its wearer. If you are involved in public dealing and interaction or related to the field which needs you to be an effective influencer then Diamond is the perfect choice for you.
- Astrological Diamond is associated with healthy marital life. If you are facing issues regarding marriage like unable to find a match, delayed marriage, unpleasant relation with partner, divorce, then Diamond is highly recommended as a remedy.
- If the Married life has issues like infidelity, domestic violence, disturbed-relations then the partners should wear astrological diamonds.
Astrological Diamonds are different from Jewellery Diamonds
- Only a fraction of all diamonds available to us can qualify as the astrological diamonds.
- An astrological diamond must be free from astrological defects (doshas).
- The Weight of astrological diamonds should be in the ranges prescribed in Vedic astrology.
- Diamonds that are used in Fashion rings or engagement rings are not checked for astrological doshas.
- To receive the best results of Venus, Wear Astrological diamond as per Vedic procedure.
Diamond gemstone is a pleasing gemstone that compliments every jewellery design. In Indian astrology, it is believed that Diamond gemstone carries the positive energies of planet Venus. This gemstone is worn to gain wealth, high self-esteem, good health and harmony in matrimonial relationships.
How to Wear
1. Preferred Metal for Diamond: Silver or White Gold (Can be worn in Yellow Gold)Day to start wearing: Friday
2. Preferred Finger for Diamond: Ring Finger & Middle Finger
3.One should not wear multiple diamonds. For Astrological results, wear one single diamond in the ring.
4. The Ring must be made as per Astrological guidelines.
5.One must never wear a pre-used Diamond. Only un-used diamonds should be worn for positive results. Diamonds that are used in jewellery are sometimes pre-used because in jewellery it may not make a difference. But for astrological purposes, it is important that the Diamond should not be used before by anyone else.